Coronavirus Response

June 30, 2020

Dear brothers and sisters,

It has now been four months since we have met together in person. I am grateful for the technology that allows us to gather and see each other throughout the week, but it is a poor substitute for being face-to-face. I am looking forward to this coming Sunday’s outdoor services so that we can worship God together, but am also saddened that some of you will still not be able to join us. I know you will be with us in Spirit—and also Zoom—but we will still miss you. I will miss you.

Since the overturning of Governor Ever’s “Stay At Home” order, we have been referencing Kenosha County’s “Kenosha Kickstart” guidelines to reopening and the Kenosha County COVID-19 Data. Throughout the month of June, the data has shown a plateau in COVID-19 cases, with the number of cases still considered “moderately high” based on our population. This means we continue to be in Phase I of reopening, with the recommendation for churches to gather only in groups of 10 or less indoors. Despite this, there is a great desire to “return to normal.” That must be balanced with the continued need for vigilance and care.

I feel that tension as well. And as great as our desire to meet together is, we must continue to keep the safety and health of our brothers and sisters first and foremost–particularly when so many in our congregation are in high risk categories.

We scheduled our outdoor service for this Sunday based on the broad consensus that outdoor activities with proper social distancing have an extremely small likelihood of transmission. Our intent in coming weeks is to meet in-person but outdoors or via broadcast as we continue to evaluate what we’re learning.

The situation and data continue to change, but our God never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Turn to Jesus with your own reactions—be they fear or frustration—and receive the peace that surely passes understanding each and every day.

– Fr. Eirik

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May 18 Coronavirus Update

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Coronavirus transmission is still considered moderately high in Kenosha County. Therefore, our Sunday services will be a mix of in-person outdoor and livestream events. Check out our Sunday Services page for more information.

Our Services

Our Sunday services are taking place via Zoom AND in-person. Visit our Sunday Services page for more information, or sign up for our email list.


Our small groups have largely moved online, but some are meeting in-person.

Sign up for our weekly newsletter for links, or visit our Online Meetings page for more information.