COVID-19 Update

May 16, 2020

Brothers and sisters,

With the overturning of the Governor’s stay at home order, many are asking if we plan to meet soon? We had just begun our scenario planning for reopening, in light of the Federal Guidelines, gating criteria and phasing, when the WI Supreme Court passed down its ruling.

There are two reasons why the ruling is unlikely to change our planning or accelerate our return to Simmons: First, we have been informed by the County that it will observe the original order’s guidelines for reopening as “best practices.” The county’s public health officer is urging everyone to follow the recommended guidelines, timelines and gating criteria. While some organizations and sites may choose to do otherwise, these rules will apply to the County’s own sites, such as Simmons Gym at Kemper where we meet. In short, our reopening at Simmons is subject to their rules.

Secondly, as Anglicans, in major matters we move in solidarity with our Bishop’s guidance. This is especially important and helpful during times of cultural upheaval like now. So, we continue to pursue a path to safe reopening with little change at this time.

We look forward to sharing our reopening scenarios and phasing plans as soon as our team completes their draft recommendations. Please pray for our Bishop and us as we plan reopening, while continuing in fellowship, worship and witness!

– Fr. Eirik


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