Engage in Prayer this Lent

This Lent we are asking Light of Christ parishoners to make a special intention to pray for our church, the city of Kenosha and our roles in what God is calling us to personally. Review this flyer for resources on prayer, opportunities to pray with others, and encouragement to share your prayers.

Prayer Resources

Prayer Cards—Our “Lord of the Harvest” prayer cards have outlined the five prayer points we’d like you to engage with during Lent. If you haven’t yet received one, pick it up from the Information Table on Sunday.

Engaging Prayer Sermon Series—Our best resource on prayer is the scriptures! For each Sunday in Lent, our preachers will be focusing in on a different aspect of prayer to reveal to us. The series titles are available on the backside of the prayer card found on the Information Table. As always, our sermons will be posted online and available for you to listen and reflect more.

Adult Sunday School: Prayer—Our obstacles to prayer aren’t always internal. Sometimes they stem from a lack of knowledge or practice. Our Lenten Sunday School series will focus in on teaching us how to pray. Topics include intercession and petition, how do you know when you’ve heard from God (discernment) and listening to God in a group. Sunday School starts at 8:45 in Founders Hall—otherwise known as the cafeteria. It can be found by exiting the sanctuary at the right (south) side of the crossing and following the breezeway through the firedoor. The cafeteria is on your left.

Prayer Opportunities

Morning Prayer—Beginning this Saturday, Deacon Jan and Fr. Eirik will be leading morning prayer at 7:00 am in the Kemper Chapel. All are welcome and children are especially welcome. This is also a great way to learn how to pray the morning prayer service.

House Groups—Our house groups will be continuing their usual rhythm of gathering, fellowship and discussion, but will set aside time particularly to pray to the Lord of the Harvest this Lent. Check the back page of your bulletin or our events calendar for scheduled group meetings.

Evening Prayer—On March 12, the Traylors will host evening prayer at their home starting at 7:00 pm to pray for Light of Christ and Kenosha. If you would like to host a formal prayer gathering at your home, please contact Lisa Traylor at lisa.w.traylor@gmail.com or 630-709-5492.

Prayer Shares

As you pray, please share with others (particularly our leaders) what you are hearing. Chat with friends, share in your small group, stop our clergy, post on our Facebook page, email the Vestry. Our prayers are shaped and formed by the prayers of others, so stay engaged with others at Light of Christ to keep prayer fires burning in your heart.

As Lent progresses, we will have a way to “gather” the prayers we are praying now. More details to come.


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